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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yanuk Addressed as ‘Mr. President’

Priest-Interpreter: Mr. President, let me thank you again with all my heart.

Opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych: Thank you.

I hope this faux pas doesn’t become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Otherwise, hell would freeze over before the Ukrainian Orthodox Church would gain canonical status.

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Anonymous said...

Tara, let me share this news with you: 7 Accused Have Just Been Found Guilty of Srebrenica Genocide!

Anonymous said...

so, the idea is that one can't pray to God unless one bows down to maskva - and all else is "schism."

rooshan have got to be the most schizophrenic beings in the world.

The article reflects the constant refrain that it's all one language, one culture.

Yet, I remember the rooshans in Eastern Ukraine screaming like stuck pigs during elections in Ukraine, because the names of candidates were in --- Ukrainian ---- and not rooshan, and the rooskies claimed that they couldn't tell who the candidates were because of that.

So, for election purposes, it's not one language. But for political power/"religious" purposes - well, if the wizard of maskva with the big pot on his head says so, then it must be so.

"Christian unity"........ my God is better than your God, because he speaks rooshan.

What a bunch of sick, childish power-hungry pukes.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the translator made a mistake? Unlikely, I know but thought I'd ask.

Taras said...

Thank you, Daniel!

I’m glad they’ve finally shipped Karadzic to The Hague, but I find his apartment too cozy for a war criminal.


Somehow, the IHT and many other Western media prefer Moscow as the vantage point/focus group for writing articles on Ukraine.

While the article attempts some balance in its body paragraphs, it opens and closes with a Moscowcentric attitude toward Ukraine.

To argue that Kyivan Rus is Russia’s bedrock is akin to arguing that Greece was the bedrock of Rome. Wasn’t there a Roman equivalent for every deity in the Greek pantheon? Weren’t there Greek colonies in southern Italy and Sicily?

So, because ancient Rome emulated ancient Greece both in culture and religion and the two shared some overlapping territories, modern Greece should subject itself to a (what should I call it?) “Roman Orthodox Church” and, well, shut up about it.

Or here’s another one: If Germanic tribes had conquered Rome and, after adopting the name "Rome," had ruled the country for centuries until Rome finally regained independence, then Rome should still be called the “mother of all German cities?”

Ukraine’s independence robbed Russia of its glory and territory, including Odesa and Crimea? How tragic. And what about those millions of Ukrainians who perished in the Gulag at Moscow's order?

Does the fact that many Russians, too, died a terrible death in 1932-33 — either from natural famine or from episodes of manmade famine — dilute the ethnic makeup of Holodomor victims? Does it write off the directives circulated by the Communist Party officials?

Why gloss over the ROCMP’s routine meddling in Ukraine’s internal affairs and its cultural indoctrination efforts? Why not discuss the ROCMP’s theo-geopolitics? Why not mention the success of the Grand Duchy of Moscow in securing independence from Constantinople in 1448? Has Constantinople recovered from the humiliation of losing control over Moscow?

It’s amazing how so many Moscow-based correspondents suffer Moscow’s imperial designs gladly in covering Ukraine. They act according to this principle: “When in Russia, do as the Russians do.”

You’re absolutely right, Vitaliy! I have no idea.

If I spoke Greek, I’d probably identify the source of the error, but that’s beside the point. We all make mistakes of one sort or another.

For Ukraine, the big mistake would be to let Yanukovych live up to that title.

Anonymous said...

Moscow should stay away from Ukraine. They also need better maps. Ukraine is not part of Russia. Cheers!