Tymophobia a Theme in NSNU’s Opposition Behavior
Contrary to what Tymoptimists had expected, the separation of the Yanushchenko conjoined twins, deeply mourned by both, has not facilitated even a mild recovery for the Orange Revolution.
So far, all those childish Valentines with which Tymoshenko has bombarded NSNU’s ward have been treated as spam. Instead, NSNU has launched its “European Ukraine” pet project, essentially a political asylum for second-class parties like Pora, PRP, HDS, etc. No such invitation has been extended to BYuT.
Apparently, Saber Toothed Snoozers depend on the ice age for their survival. Whereas NSNU considers itself to be a right-of-center icon of Europeanness, it looks on BYuT as a left-of-center geopolitical mobile circus, and an incorrigibly populist one. For them, Tymo carries the badge of multivectorism, thanks to her alleged hush-hush visits to Russia. She may deny it, but her party’s roster is indeed overpopulated by petty oligarchs. These BYuTiful people, some of which have already walked away on her, had to pay hefty subscription fees to get in and are now uncomfortable with their opposition lot, since it’s not what they bargained for.
In fact, the same syndrome has evidenced itself in NSNU, as it used a similar technique in building its roster. That’s how atavistic denizens of the Kuchma regime have penetrated both Orange camps.
When blasting Tymoshenko on populism, apparatchik Bezsmertny somehow forgets the populist cross his patron Yushchenko bore back in 2004, but never delivered.
Historians with a selective memory should at least reevaluate their academic credentials. Before giving Tymo the cold shoulder, they should file a progress report on their unspoken “No Thug Left Behind Bars” policy, with a registry of prisonless gangsters in this country attached. (“Бандити сидітимуть в тюрмах.”) Or how about a “Righteous Rich” catalogue of those rare noblesse oblige species, so we poor folks could worship them? (“Багаті допоможуть бідним.”)
Who’s the Best Opp?
At a time when Yanukovych Republicans are singing paens to the West in Washington Post placements, NSNU’s interpretation of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy,” also know as the EU anthem, could be dubbed the “Orange Curtain.”
Needless to say, this intra-opposition Cold War weakens both parties and plays into the hands of Regs. Yushchenko has a long way to go to start making sense again. What do you make of his plans to step down as the Moses of NSNU? Should we expect a council shakeup? Hopefully, the upcoming NSNU convention will clear some things up.
Even with fresh blood now circulating on Bankova, the rejuvenation of the flatliner Yushchenko has become into a falcon watching every move Yanukovych makes will not happen overnight.
Guaranteed, they have their ideological differences, but synergy works better than solo. Yet both have a chance to prove their love for taxpayers by voluntarily curtailing their parliamentary golden parachutes.
Regardless of how her love and hate relationship with NSNU will proceed, it’s opposition that puts the O in Tymo.
Brasil e Ucrânia: Ligações Inesperadas
1 day ago
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