I shot these in Mariyinsky Park, which adjoins the Mariyinsky Palace and our parliament, the Verkhovna Rada. Date: sunset of Sunday, October 12, 2008.
The skaters, the bicyclists and the rollerbladers reminded me of political Ukraine. And so did the sky.
New York Post: aqui está um ditador
9 hours ago
Is October a special month that protests happen in Kyiv? We were there in October 05' to adopt four sisters. While there the communists had a rally / parade that turned ugly. Fights etc. Not knowing what was going on we went to watch the parade and almost got caught up in the mess.
I enjoy your blog. It is very informative and allows me to share it with the girls so they can stay in touch with there old home.
Allow me to disagree, very respectfully.
The Parliament and the "political elite" remind me of the monkeys at a zoo who have red, inflamed butts, and who fling poo at each other, and constantly screech and run around aimlessly.
Now, in most zoos, observers can stand a safe distance away and observe the behavior.
The difference is that in Ukraine, the "political elite" sucks everyone into the cage with them, and therefore the people of Ukraine have to suffer the slings and arrows of poo thrown by the monkeys, er, "political elite."
Also --
How is it that Ukraine's banking system is collapsing, the IMF has to come in and lend $14 billion to Ukraine to save the economy, but a Ukrainian private investor group has bought the most prestigious commercial corner in London?
For around £14 million.
With Ralph Lauren and Watches of Switzerland as tenants - and Dolce and Gabana waiting to come on board.
How is it that Ukraine seeks foreign investment, supposedly, but "cash-rich" Ukrainians are buying up a premier corner of London?
How is it that in Lviv, the stadium deal for Euro 2012 just fell apart - but "cash-rich" Ukrainians are buying up a premier corner in London?
How is it that banks in Ukraine are falling apart - but "cash rich" Ukrainians are buying up prime commercial shopping space in London?
Monkey poo.
Thank you for reading my blog, Alan!
And thank you for being a family to four Ukrainian kids!
In mid-October, we have pro and anti-UPA rallies. On November 7, we have pro and anti-October Revolution rallies. These events often involve brawls, one of which you recalled.
Stay tuned!
Thank you for the article, Elmer!
Given all the instability out there in the UK, I wonder who those brave Ukrainian investors are.
As the financial crisis rages on and consumer confidence plummets, these Ukrainian investors “have bought a building on one London’s most exclusive shopping streets.” Are they the same investors who kowtow to Gazprom instead of investing in energy-efficient technology?
Are they the same philanthrapists, uh philanthropists, who can’t afford to pay decent wages in Ukraine and yet got money to burn?
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