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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yanukovych Fans Wax Poetic

Ukraine’s got talent!

Woman: We’re now protecting the Verkhovna Rada, the rightful government elected by the people, and we won’t let...
Man [in surzhyk]:
We love Yanukovych — always have, always will!

Yanukoveech, you’re my pride.
I am always by your side!

And no one will sever our ties to the Russian people. We are one whole: Ukrainians and Russians. And no one... And they’re against the Russians! They’re for America!

They’re selling out Ukraine!

Maybe the Japanese and Koreans are one whole too?

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Anonymous said...

I don't want to be evil, but they don't seem to be your intellectual layer (hopefully).

Taras said...

I just wanted to say they sound like comedians. I didn’t mean to sound elitist.

Being a fan of Yanukovych or Tymoshenko leaves little room for thinking. I know that from experience:)