Following Symonenko’s Leninite logic, Poland should worship Stalin for her post-WW II “independence” and for regaining Gdańsk.
And, of course, Pol Pot did his country proud. Who would have ever heard of a poor country like Cambodia had the Khmer Rouge not massacred 2 million Cambodians?
And by the way, isn’t it a little bourgeois for a Communist to wear a $10,000 watch in a country whose GDP per capita (PPP) hasn’t even approached that figure?
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New York Post: aqui está um ditador
15 hours ago
This appears to be a variant of screed that I have seen before on various blogs, where pro-rooskie participants were screaming about how Ukraine exists today only through the kindness of Roosha, in particular, Khrushchov.
I don't see any purpose to this type of nonsense.
It's like trying to teach pigs to talk.
Many also forget that Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruki, Grand Prince of Kyiv. Nor do they recall that Russia [Rossiya] is the Greek name for [Kyivan] Rus, a name self-ascribed by the glory-seeking Muscovy.
Rectifying relations between Ukraine and Russia cannot be done by relying on the selective prism of Soviet mythology.
Imperial dreams ... from today's Pravda
"Not so long ago many experts said that Cayce’s forecast about the revival of the Soviet Union in 2010 was absurd. However, this prophesy is gradually becoming true. Belarus is known to be the first candidate for the alliance. Then, as modern political scientists think, it could be followed by Kyrgyzstan, Eastern Ukraine, Armenia and Kazakhstan. Even freedom-loving Georgia will possibly take a step towards friendship with Russia. It is worthy of note that legendary prophetess Vanga also said that Russia would be a great empire again."
Well, at least not shy about their wants, needs and desires.
Nice watch
The USA and the U.S. dollar in particular really left a mark on the post-perestroika Russian history; and those countries that maintain friendly relations with Russia live perfectly well thanks to Russian oil and gas. But what would happen next?
Belarus has been a candidate for more than a decade. But Lukashenko’s and Putin’s appetites for power cancel each other out. And last year’s gas row between Minsk and Moscow appears to have further spoiled the atmosphere.
Eastern Ukraine has a certain potential, but it doesn’t seem to be a sure win either. I don’t think the local oligarchy would prefer being a nobody in Moscow to being a somebody in Kyiv.
And as for Georgia, it's a joke, right?
In 1979 she prophesied that everything would thaw like ice and only Russia would be left untouched.
For more than a decade, climate change and the rise of China have preoccupied environmentalists and foreign policy analysts. However, it remains to be seen whether the end of the world will follow Cayce's or Vanga's script.
Qatar Cat,
A no-frills proletarian “Made in USSR” watch, isn’t it:)))?
Spin, spin, spin, spin...
Spin of the sickest kind.
Pops up again ... "Of course, it is not very difficult to envision the voluntary reincorporation of the ethnic Russian populations of Belarus, eastern Ukraine and northern Kazakhstan into the Russian Federation -- but only in a context in which Moscow emerges as a true regional leader on a par with the EU."
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