Kyiv in Colors 4
A Trip to Kyiv City Elections 2008
Part IV
Watch some more Obolon and follow me to a Scorpions concert sponsored by mayoral candidate Vasyl Horbal and the Party of Regions.
May 23
No playgrounds here!
Send kids to the forest! Lyonya
[Leonid Chernovetsky]
Serves him right
Lyonya sold our land
Riverfront Obolon
Lyonya Kosmos, where are your cosmonauts?
Will sell Kyiv wholesale and retail! Lyonya
Chernovetsky is buying souls!
For 7 years we've been fighting this illegal construction site. Stop destroying house No. 5!
Chernovetsky L.M., we've been waiting 10 months for the revocation of this illegal land permit
The laws of Ukraine should work for the people!
No light at the end of the tunnel
You won't feel ashamed of your mayor! Mykola Katerynchuk Bloc
What a funny piece of art from HAK, but not as funny as HAK itself.
That about wraps it up for balcony ads.
Off to the Scorpions concert
Gee, I'm not the only one!
Heading for Yevropeiska Ploshcha [European Square]. It's raining cats and dogs!
Vote for Klychko! Otherwise, your vote will go to a corrupt family clan
Oleh Tyahnybok's Svoboda was holding a concert of its own
Concert goers would huddle in the underpass
Some folks managed to get free polyethylene PRU raincoats. Having found it hard to climb the slippery hill, I opted for a backdoor entry via the Reunification Ark terrace.
Descending on Yevropeiska Ploshcha, kicking Chernoco packages.
Watching climbers
If you think these young people came here to support Vasyl Horbal and the Party of Regions, think again. Just like me, the vast majority of them came here for the music.
"Our mayor is Vasyl Horbal!"
For some reason, the show, scheduled for 7 p.m, would not begin until 9:20 p.m.
"No Pain, No Gain"
"Send Me An Angel"
See that little BYuT banner?
"Still Loving You"
"Wind of Change"
What, no "Wind of Stabilnist???":)))
The building is known as the Ukrayinsky Dim (Ukrainian House). Opened in 1982, it was originally intended as the Lenin Museum.
Ironically, it was here that I became a pioneer (the Soviet equivalent of a boyscout) in April 1989, less than seven months before the Fall of the Wall. I was one of the three top students in my class to be promoted to that rank in second grade.
In spring 1989, that red tie still signified status. In late 1990-early 1991, some folks in my class, myself included, would combine their red ties with yellow-blue pins, to terrorize the teachers.
New York Post: aqui está um ditador
9 hours ago
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