Prom Queen Gets Earful of Gas Talk from PrincipalThe accord reached between the two presidents stipulates that a debt of 7.5 billion hryvnias [$1.49 billion], which Ukraine owes for the past four months, should have begun being repaid starting February 14. As of today, of the 7.5 billion hryvnias, through tremendous effort — including my own — some 1.5 billion have been repaid. Yesterday, I had a talk with Naftogaz: Why are the payments not forthcoming? Why hasn’t the Ministry of Finance paid Naftogaz a kopiyka in the way of compensations earmarked in the budget? I simply consider this situation to be sabotage. I will prepare a progress report for the Russian side on the payments Ukraine was obliged to make.
This looks like a scene from the principal’s office: Mr. Good Guy trying to slap some sense into Bad Girl, who smokes pot in the ladies’ room, cheats on finals, and still gets to be Prom Queen.
Smoke gets in your eyes until you start dissecting the whole role-playing game. Then you realize that no girl is too bad and no guy is too good as long as they overtly or covertly endorse certain gas suppliers or make deals behind the scenes.
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New York Post: aqui está um ditador
16 hours ago
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