Yanuk Lived, Yanuk Lives, Yanuk Will Live!
Regionalist’s Digest
As the Party of Regions slams the door on Constitution talks and mobilizes her supporters against NATO — Soviet style — it’s s-h-o-w-t-i-m-e!
Welcome to our latest edition of Regionalist’s Digest.
The orange fist, failing to hit lawlessness, strikes in the people’s faces
A statement by the Party of Regions’ Press Service
03.03.2008, 12:42
The Party of Regions demands to cease pursuits of its activists and adherers, which have recently acquired pattern of political revenge from the orange power again. Persecution, intimidation of ordinary citizens - teachers, doctors, culture workers, clericals, only because they express an opinion different from the orange in public, are obtaining mass nature especially in regions which are considered as those, where the orange team had received advantage at the elections.
Every day the Party of Regions receives letters from various cities and villages of Ukraine, in which citizens ask for protection from moral terror, which they undergo at work according to instructions from the top.
Calls from Lviv region are especially disturbing, where, for example, pursuits of faithful to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, who are not allowed to build churches, publicly offended and humiliated, have become more cruel.
Illegal dismissals from work of middle-level workers become a standard of daily practice which is executed by the authorities throughout Ukraine. People have despaired in searching for justice. And intimidation and direct pursuit for political convictions have turned to disgraceful sign of our time.
II All-Ukrainian Congress of deputies of all levels (Severodonetsk, March 1, 2008): photo report
Viktor Yanukovych congratulated Dmitriy Medvedev with a convincing victory at the presidential elections
03.03.2008, 10:22
Viktor Yanukovych congratulated Dmitriy Medvedev with a convincing victory at the presidential elections and wished success in a further development of the state.
Delegates of the congress in Severodonetsk have adopted a resolution
01.03.2008, 16:46
The II All-Ukrainian congress of deputies of all-level councils in Severodonetsk completed its work with adoption of a resolution, which was proclaimed by People’s Deputy, the Party of Regions parliamentary faction member Anatoliy Tolstoukhov, ‘Glavred’ informs.
It states that ‘a so-called coalition of democratic powers, backed by the Head of the State, professes philosophy of the past, ideology of revenge, practice of social populism, technologies of informational manipulation and moral of political irresponsibility’.
Delegates of the congress claim that ‘political actions of the power seem to be undisguised invasion on country’s history, its humanitarian sphere, moral values system in increasing frequency’.
Having examined issues on the congress’ agenda, its delegates considered as necessary, particularly, to upgrade a chapter of the Constitution of Ukraine about local self-government through strengthening financial support and powers of local councils;
- to approve the Declaration on rights of Russian culture and cultures of other people, elaborate and introduce to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine drafts on retaining Russian and regional languages in the sphere of cinematography, television, education, judicial system, public service;
Viktor Yanukovych: The Security Service of Ukraine conducts preventive work with delegates of Severodonetsk congress
29.02.2008, 15:02
During today's press-conference the Party of Regions Leader Viktor Yanukovych informed journalists that all delegates of II All-Ukrainian congress of deputies of all levels, which is to take place on March 1 in Severodonetsk, are subject to administrative pressure.
To confirm the above mentioned Viktor Yanukovych showed the press a document where such actions were listed. “For example, all delegates from Sevastopol were asked to visit the SSU, where they underwent ‘preventive work’,” - the Party of Regions Leader said.
Anatoliy Kinakh: Ukraine together with the EU will elaborate measures to surmount negative balance in foreign trade
28.02.2008, 18:25
Ukraine plans together with the European Union to elaborate a number of measures to surmount negative balance in bilateral trade. As People’s Deputy, the Party of Regions parliamentary faction member Anatoliy Kinakh informed, it was an issue at the Committee on Parliamentary Collaboration between Ukraine and the EU meeting in Brussels.
According to Anatoliy Kinakh, in 2007 Ukraine showed high growth of trade with the European Union, at the 27% level. Trade volume from the EU reached 41 billion dollars last year. The European Union’s share in the total trade of Ukraine amounted 34%.
‘While politicians are conducting discussions about forms and rates of integration, one should admit that Ukraine’s economic activity within the European Union is obvious, therefore integration has already occurred’, – Anatoliy Kinakh marked.
The Party of Regions claims to introduce temporary moratorium on privatization
28.02.2008, 11:53
Performance of Yulia Tymoshenko’s Government is ever exposing to threat Ukraine’s economic security and welfare of 30 million citizens.
On February 22 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a list of enterprises for privatization in 2008. There are 400 joint-stock companies and holding companies. However, on January 16 the Government listed units, privatization of which was to exceed indices stipulated in the 2008 budget.
Besides, Tymoshenko’s Government wants to sell off shares of profitable joint-stock companies - Ukrtelecom, Odessa Port Plant, Turboatom and also several regional energy distribution companies (oblenergos).
This Government undertook a doubtful record striving to sell off assets on a sum larger than for all previous years of privatization.
Viktor Yanukovych and Javier Solana discussed ways and challenges of Ukraine’s European integration
27.02.2008, 19:19
During a meeting in Brussels Party of Regions Leader Viktor Yanukovych and Secretary-General of the EU Council of Ministers, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana paid much attention to the questions of Ukraine’s European integration and signing a new EU-Ukraine extended treaty.
Viktor Yanukovych positively estimated progress attained in negotiations on a new extended treaty between Ukraine and the EU during 2007.
In negotiating process we have passed almost half of the way, – Viktor Yanukovych stated. – It becomes increasingly more difficult as it requires more compromise from the parties.
Vasiliy Gorbal: I have always insisted on conducting inventory of all deposits with ‘Savings Bank’ at first, and only then make payments
27.02.2008, 17:49
Party of Regions Deputy, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Finance and Banking member Vasiliy Gorbal commented on President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko’s letter to Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, in which the Head of the state demands from the Government to resume registration of depositors of depreciated savings immediately.
According to V.Gorbal, he has always insisted on conducting of inventory of all deposits with ‘Savings Bank’ at first, and only then make payments. He marked that the Government pursued another way with a purpose of receiving the most rapid social result, namely, disbursing at once. ‘Naturally, it entailed all those problems which ‘Savings Bank’ faced later during payments’, - the Member of Parliament said, ‘ForUm’ informs.
Mercenário africano capturado pelas FAU
59 minutes ago
Such terrible things occurring in Ukraine! O, woe! O, misery!
"People have despaired in searching for justice."
Why don't they go to court?
Wasn't it Yanuk who said he would sue a journalist? Oh, wait, it was to be in a court named later - but not a Ukrainian court.
Wasn't it Hanna Herman, big mouth and shill of the Party of Regions, who just recently told Shkil to sue her?
I wonder if the Party of Regions will provide free trips for people "despairing of justice in Ukraine" - to European courts.
So they can find justice.
And build orthodox churches in Lviv.
In the meantime, let's not look at RosUkrEnergo and corruption Ukraine.
Let's all look at whatever fuzzy monkey the Party of Regions tells us to look at, including orthodox churches in Lviv.
Maybe Yanuk can tell some of those Italian workmen he used for his palaces to work on some of those orthodox churches in Lviv.
Look at the fuzzy monkey, look at the fuzzy monkey!
" Ukraine’s main opposition force, the Party of Regions (PRU), organized what it called a “congress of people’s deputies of all levels” in the eastern town of Severodonetsk on Saturday, March 1. It discussed topics such as official languages and NATO membership. Almost 3,700 representatives of 28 opposition parties and non-governmental organizations and foreign guests attended."
EDM article
Elmer, don’t believe everything you read in this digest. And don’t take it too close to heart. I post these things for fun.
“Every day the Party of Regions receives letters from various cities and villages of Ukraine, in which citizens ask for protection from moral terror, which they undergo at work according to instructions from the top.”
This reads like a passage fresh out of Soviet agitprop archives. It’s a sovok Smithsonian, both in style and substance. It goes to show how the Regionalists capitalize on canned paradigms from the communist era.
Luida, the event at Severodonetsk was a far cry from the 2004 hellraiser, wasn't it? I hear that some influential delegates called in sick:)))
Well, Taras, I couldn't resist:
I found the them song for this convention - from about 1979
The PoR are reduced to whining and moaning and ranting and raving about NATO.
What a platform - "People of Ukraine, here's our position on everything - we're against NATO.
Forget about good government,
forget about health care,
forget about education (we don't need no stinkin' education) -
we're against NATO.
And we're going to show you how EFFECTIVE we can be in the opposition with our SHADOW government -
we blockade parliament."
I literally think these guys are living in the 1940's.
"На сайті Партії регіонів з`явилося привітання лідера ПР Віктора Януковича зі святом 8 березня. Треба зауважити, це одне з найлаконічніших привітань Віктора Федоровича за всю історію його перебування в ранзі публічного політика. І вже точно найкоротше з висловів лідера ПР за останній час. Але, як кажуть, стислість – сестра таланту. Текст привітання приводимо повністю:
«Дорогі жінки!
Бажаю кожній з вас багато сонця, тепла і любові. Здоров`я – вашим дітям і близьким, злагоди – родинам, благополуччя і впевненості у завтрашньому дні.
Миру, спокою і щастя.
Нехай весна стане початком добрих змін у житті кожної з вас.
З повагою - Віктор Янукович» "
Elmer, opposition to NATO is just a smoke screen for opposition to Ukraine’s independence and wellbeing.
The video indeed makes for a good analogy. It reflects some of the political choreography behind such events and behind the Party of Regions in general.
Some hawks seem to have turned into doves, though. I will do a post on Bohatyryova’s “de-Regionalization.”
Luida, brevity is the soul of wit:)
Here’s the trio.
"opposition to NATO is just a smoke screen for opposition to Ukraine’s independence and wellbeing."
and a smokescreen for a potential financial losses. It is no surprise that eastern and southern polticians/businessmen are against NATO as they would no longer be able to manufacture and sell arms to the Russian Federation. (est market is in the billions)
I’d say most of their financial losses would stem from higher governance standards that could shrink stabilnist to a certain degree.
In other words, NATO membership requirements would scale back the oligarchs’ political pastures and would trim a little fat off their cash cows.
As for the oligarchs’ export mainstay, it has a different slant. The lion’s share of the profits comes from commodities such as metals and chemicals. It doesn’t come from knowledge-based industries such as the military-industrial complex. (Interestingly enough, Ukraine’s defense industry has remained under-privatized, at least officially.)
The ethics behind arms trade, both legal and illegal, certainly merits a separate discussion. Still, as far as I know, Ukraine has dropped out of the Top 10 “merchants of death” over the last years.
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