Chernovetsky Wins, Exit Polls Show
ICTV and Ukrayinska Pravda have the exit poll results.
Chernovetsky, 32%
Turchynov, 20.3%
Klychko, 19.5%
Pylypyshyn, 9.1%
Katerynchuk, 4.9%
Omelechenko, 2.7%
Horbal, 2.7%
Tyahnybok, 2.4%
Against all, 2.1%
Other, 2.8%
Don't remember, 0.3%
City Council:
Leonid Chernovetsky Bloc, 25.7% (35 seats)
Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, 23.4% (32 seats)
Vitaliy Klychko Bloc, 12.7% (18 seats)
Lytvhyn Bloc, 10.4% (14 seats)
HAK, 4.3% (6 seats)
Party of Regions, 4.0% (6 seats)
Katerynchuk Bloc, 3.90% (5 seats)
Svoboda, 3.0% (4 seats)
Oleksandr Omelchenko Bloc, 2.60%
Nasha Ukrayina-Narodana Samooborona, 2.10%
Communist Party, 1.40%
Pora, 0.40%
Socialist Party, 0.40%
Other, 2.80%
Against all, 2.40%
Don't remember, 0.40%
Poll conducted by the Democratic Initiatives Fund and Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.
P.S. Viva vermicelli voters! Viva greedy opposition dudes!
«Within Temptation» apela ao apoio à Ucrânia
4 hours ago
Unfortunately, based on what I saw, BYuT and Klytchko ran 'bad' campaigns which only accomplished what experts stated ahead of time - that the vote would be split. I did have some hope that ChernoCo would be voted out but not to be. And based on the events he is now in a stronger position than ever and will engage in a 'cleaning' of all personnel who is not 100% in support of him. Also it seems that his second in command will also stick around. And there has been talk of a Cherno bid for the Presidency.
Your observation mirrors mine.
Underestimated but not undercapitalized, Chernovetsky mounted a successful campaign, turning the tide against his challengers and letting their egos bury them.
I had no hope as I went to the polling station. I cast my ballot just to show them they can’t dump me like that.
The unwillingness of BYuT and Klychko to join forces sealed the fate of this election.
We can also see how the presence of aggressive developers on their party tickets contributed to a low turnout.
"I had no hope as I went to the polling station. I cast my ballot just to show them they can’t dump me like that."
But a MAJOR HIP-HIP-HOOREY for you as you VOTED!!!!!!! Unfortunately, most Ukr don't seem to understand that NOT voting will NOT CHANGE "ANYTHING in reverse give the bad guys a better day at the polls. The American Indians would not show up for votes, either thinking based on a reflection of their own culture that their non-vote would make a difference not realizing that NOT BEING PRESENT (even as a WITNESS) simply made it easier for the baddies to win.
"The unwillingness of BYuT and Klychko to join forces sealed the fate of this election."
Too true. United we stand, divided we fall.
"We can also see how the presence of aggressive developers on their party tickets contributed to a low turnout."
Let's face it, if u r not in it to win it, then why get yourself wet? Unfortunately, if your opponent stoops low, stoop lower, whatever it takes to succeed. Then be able to clean urself of and be the better person. (Machiavelli)
PS Bless u for voting - "stand up and be counted"!!! Even though I do hv concerns/issues w/ the way the vote was counted in Kyiv. Something stinks in Denmark.
Thank you for your encouragement:)! I guess I realized that my not voting would only make it worse for me. The show must go on.
Most Orange no-shows simply couldn’t see much difference between Cherno and the highly visible land lobby on the BYuT and Klychko Bloc tickets.
Naturally, the idea of voting for the lesser evil sits uneasily with a disenchanted Orange electorate who find it hard to trust anyone.
In the eyes of many Orange voters, they’re all in it together. I agree with that. What I don’t agree with is that staying at home makes things better.
Our failure to rotate their proboscises results in further exsanguination of the public good and in a vicious circle of their intoxication with power.
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