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Friday, November 27, 2009

Tymoshenko Equates Herself With Ukraine (Part 4)

She just can’t get enough of mixing her feminine mystique with her “L’Etat, c’est Moi” ideology.

PM/presidential candidate Yulia Tymoshenko: She’s with those who take a step forward. She’s with those who save people. She’s with those who can love. She’s with those who can forgive. She’s with those who love life. She takes pride in those who can be really strong. She’s with those who always reach their goals. She will win. She is Ukraine.

You mean she’s not with those who plunder, squander, divert, consort, extort, murder, hit-and-run, take bribes, quadruple-charge, rig, sell out and depopulate?

She’s being raped and yet she’s working” represents what country?

You promised to bring those quadruple-charging intermediary crooks to justice. Where are they? Are they going to jail or to your birthday party?

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Anonymous said...

She should pay more attention to her talk because she may end up like Julius Ceasar.

Taras said...

Indeed, she may. She's widely been compared to Joan of Arc.